A pair of AR500 rifle gongs (3/8" thick); one 12" target for sighting in and a 6" target for when you get your heart-rate under control! Complete with a pair...
Availability: check the 'Shipping Delay Notice" on the front page or the FAQ for details. Our "Know Your Limit" (KYL) Bundles include five round AR500 steel gongs. 2", 4", 6", 8",...
Availability: Always in stock. A pair of AR500 steel targets ideal for heavier rifle caibers. Includes one 12" round gong and one 6" round gong. The targets are thicker (half-inch)...
2/3-scale IDPA/USPSA Torso, a complete kit with 'Big H' Base and 2x4 TopCap (the steel bracket that mounts to the top of the 2x4). IDPA and USPSA are pistol sports that...
See our updated FAQ for our updated paint policy Choose from any of the three standard Steel Challenge targets- a 10" Round, a 12" Round, or an 18x24" Rectangle. Each...
Designed to withstand the abuse of serious training by law enforcement and shooting schools, the Pro Stand can support any size or weight of steel target. Any target from our catalog can be mounted securely...
Steel Challenge Bundle- Build any ONE of Eight Stages
See our updated FAQ for our updated paint policy! NOTE: New base and target-mounting cap as of Jan 2019). The new style includes the heavy-duty 'Big H' base, and the...
This bundle combines our very popular 10" Heart Attack target with a BearClaw bracket which hangs the target from a tree. The Heart Attack is an AR500 target 10 inches...
A complete kit of six targets, the Hinge mechanism that lets them fall back, and the beefy 2x4 Sawhorse Brackets. All you need add is lumber and ammo! Comes with...
See our updated FAQ for our updated paint policy! This kit includes enough targets, bases, and accessories to build all eight Steel Challenge stages simultaneously (all you add are your...
Steel Challenge Bundle- Build any FIVE of Eight Stages
See our updated FAQ for our updated paint policy! NOTE: New base and target-mounting cap as of Jan 2019). The new style includes the heavy-duty 'Big H' base, and the two-part...
See our updated FAQ for our paint policy Currently available as a Full Size torso With an Ocular swing out paddle and two Thoracic cavity paddles this target is a great...
Our 'thinner' version of our Dueling torso. Available currently in 'Full Size' The bundle includes 1/4 Ocular cavity target and Fasteners, 1/4 Thoracic paddles and Fasteners 1/4 Full size Torso idpa...
Test your dueling skills against your mates! Available with or without a reset mechanism. 'Full' Assembly includes: Armored top-cap assembly Reset mechanism (depending on order) & fasteners Pair of...